eAvio d.o.o.

Prosta delovna mesta v podjetju eAvio d.o.o.

eAvio company was founded by people from the industry out of necessity, because nothing similar existed when we got started in 2011. So we were at the leading edge of developing paperless cockpit and paperless run companies in the industry. Our solutions have been extensively tested in operational use and are all EASA and CAA approved. We are experts in implementing all the changes in how your company can transition internally and get all the proper approvals from your CAA in a painless manner. Accountable Operation Managers, Flight Operation Managers, Pilots, Dispatchers teamed up with IT experts to bring you the most comprehensive, user friendly and safe aviation application on the market. eAvio is providing you with everything you need in one spot, cloud based accessible from anywhere.
Helping Avio Companies Operate Smart, Safe, Efficient
Naslov Tržaška cesta 53B
DejavnostRačunalništvo in informatika
Število zaposlenih2 zaposlena
Davčna št.85680362
Matična št.6648142000
Več informacij o podjetjuhttps://www.bizi.si/EAVIO-D-O-O


Accountable Operation Managers, Flight Operation Managers, Pilots, Dispatchers teamed up with IT experts to bring you the most comprehensive, user friendly and safe aviation application on the market. eAvio is providing you with everything you need in one spot, cloud based accessible from anywhere.

Storitve in/ali izdelki

eFly Bag - Is a Certified EFB application in full compliance with EASA eLoadsheet - Approved by CAA it is reliable, pilot friendly, fast and cost effective with many features eDesk - full platform for Avio Companies

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